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About the Competition




The United States Powerlifting Association (USPA) is a leading powerlifting organization in the United States with a mission to provide education, gym affiliation and powerlifting competition of uniform high quality. Powerlifting is one of the fastest growing sports and Bakersfield Fit Fest is proud to present

NASPOWER Winter Open Powerlifting Championship hosted by USPA Central California Meet Director, Lord Elliott MS, CPT.


The competition features a full roster of 50 lifters competing to break State and National records, as well as be a world qualifier. Lord Elliott is the President of the National Academy of Strength and Power, the USPA Director of Coaches Certification, a USPA National Referee and holds a Masters of Science degree in Exercise Science, a Bachelors of Business Administration in Management, is a certified personal trainer and a certified USAW Coach.


Records Broken at Bakersfield Fit Fest

Eduardo Martinez broke the Masters American Record with his squat of 745lbs at the 2023 Bakersfield Fit Fest event. 

About the Director

            Lord Elliot
Lord Elliott is the Meet Director and has been approved to direct a sanctioned drug tested event for Saturday February 10, 2024.


President of National Academy of Strength and Power Inc

USPA Director of Coaches Certification

USPA National Referee

Master of Science Degree- Exercise Science

Bachelor of Business Administration Degree- Management

AA Business Administration Degree

Certified Personal Trainer

Certified USAW Coach

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